"The Progress Principle," Teresa Amabile and Steven Kramer emphasize the significant influence of daily occurrences on employees' inner lives. They argue that ongoing progress within meaningful tasks is essential for fostering employee well-being and productivity.
Through an analysis of nearly 12,000 diary entries from 238 employees across seven different companies, the authors provide practical insights for managers seeking to promote progress in their teams' everyday work lives.
Amabile and Kramer identify two key factors: catalysts, which are events directly supporting project work such as setting clear goals and granting autonomy, and nourishers, which are interpersonal events that uplift workers such as offering encouragement and showing respect and collegiality. These elements are crucial for enabling and sustaining progress.
"The Progress Principle" offers a comprehensive exploration of various organizational contexts, presenting proven strategies as well as innovative approaches for executives of all experience levels to enhance employee performance and satisfaction
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