
Product Management for Profit with Dekker In Free

Discover the blueprint to becoming a highly successful and profitable product manager with insights from Dekker Fraser, MBA, former Vice President of a Google accelerator startup and ex-PlayStation Global Manager.

Uncover the secrets that distinguish prosperous products from failed ventures, and gain access to research-backed strategies and practical execution tactics in product management.


The critical factors determining product success or failure

Profitability fundamentals of products

Mastering market research and competitive analysis

Tactical project management skills

Product Led Growth (PLG) strategies

Data-driven decision-making and in-product analytics

Customer-centric product innovation

Leadership essentials for product managers

Effective management of programmers

Strategic product vision for profitability

Road-mapping and prioritization techniques

Cross-functional collaboration and influence strategies

Agile and waterfall methodologies

Product launch excellence

Product management certification pathways

Unlock your potential, advance your product management career, and propel product success with our comprehensive Product Management Course. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting, this program is designed to equip you with the expertise, tools, and strategies essential for thriving in the ever-evolving product management landscape.

This course is ideal for:

Product Managers
Product Management Executives
Startup Founders

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