
MightyWeb Webview: Web to App Convertor For Free

MightyWeb Webview: Web to App Convertor For Free

It is a service of Google’s open-source mobile application SDK, and it is Flutter. With no doubt, Android and iOS are the two major platforms on which this app can be used, but it also serves as the way to build apps for Google Fuchsia.Flutter widgets work by including all necessary differences between platforms like scrolling, navigation, icons and fonts so that they can give full native performance on both iOS and Android.

The MightyWeb app may be used to convert your Web Site into an Application Mobile.  You will not have to update your app with backend admin panel.

Make an App in minutes only.

Change Your Responsive Website into Mobile APP

Fast And Powerfull Web Engine

Write Code Once For Both Android & IOS

Admin Features:

Administrator Dashboard

Application Configuration

Admob Configuration

Set Style of Progressbar

Setting Theme Style

Setting TabBar Configuration

Setting Bottom Navigation Configuration

Set Header Icons And Navigation Style

Onesignal push notification configuration,

Send push notifications,

Set About Us app content,

Set Splash Configuration,

Set WalkThrough Configuration,

Set Floating Avtion Button Configuration,

Release updated Json

Download Buttons with Timer

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