100% Off On The Practical Git & Github Bootcamp for Developers

This course covers the Continuous Integration process used in IT projects, utilizing tools like git and GitHub. It explains how developers collaborate in teams, share code, and handle integration and deployment. The course delves into various branching strategies, the git flow process, and the pull request workflow commonly employed in companies.

Participants will also learn how to set up repositories, connect from their local machines to GitHub using secure tokens, and perform various git operations. Best practices for developers working on projects will be emphasized throughout.

Key topics include the importance of Version Control Systems (VCS), with a focus on Git/GitHub. Participants will become familiar with using Git commands via Git Bash/Terminal, Visual Studio Code, and IntelliJ editors.

Additionally, the course covers branching strategies, pull request processes, and the workings of Continuous Integration in IT projects. Various git operations will be demonstrated, including but not limited to: cloning repositories, creating branches, checking status, merging changes, stashing, resolving conflicts, committing changes, pushing to remote repositories, reverting changes, viewing history, tagging commits, and more.

This Course Will Be Expire On 28 March 2024

Here is the video how to enroll

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